Life is too short to think bout sad things...
I don't know when life would end
You also doesn't know bout it...but
One thing I'm sure of it
Is that I really want it to be ending in a happy way...
What do I meant is
Not end while I'm get fighting with someone else
Or maybe got a debt that isn't settling yet...
Life is too short to wasting on people who doesn’t like us…
I can’t tell what people thinking bout me but
If it is good and can improve me to become a better
Then I will try it…but if it is just rubbish then I will throw it into trash ban
It’s my life and I love the way I’m
If you don’t like it then just go away…don’t block my way
Life is too short to make a single choice
What the hell…like Avril Lavigne said…
Make as much mistake as you can
Take a different train stop at the wrong station
And turn it back…from there you will learn a lot of new things
Take the wrong path…enjoy every moment
Cause human sometimes learn from creating a mistake…
Life is too short to stay alone
Go out and have fun
Meet new friends…because you will gain new experience from a different people
Hang out with your friends…scream what inside in your heart…
Make sure it’s must be out loud
Say whatever you wanted to say…
Love…hate…just spit it out…
Life is too short to sitting in your room
Pray to God for blessing not only you but the entire people on earth
And with God will there will be someone who done same think as you
Pray to God and thanks to God for giving you a chance to see the world
written by
assalamualaikum s3limutku
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